ResourcesLegal ResourcesPROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONSMinnesota State Bar AssociationAmerican Association for JusticeMinnesota Association for JusticeFergus Falls Chamber of CommerceFergus Falls JayceesFergus Falls LionsMinnesota Lawyers Mutual Insurance CompanyCourtsUnited States District Court, District of MinnesotaMinnesota Supreme CourtMinnesota JudiciaryMinnesota Court System (File Database)LAW LIBRARYFederal StatutesMinnesota StatutesFergus Falls City CodeFergus Falls Shoreland Management OrdinanceMN Admin DUI RulesWestlawLexisNexisLois LawIMPORTANT LEGAL LINKSUniversity of Minnesota Law SchoolFergus Falls Economic Improvement CommissionCity of Fergus FallsMinnesota Department of RevenueOtter Tail CountyOTC Land and ResourceOtter Tail County Land Survey SystemMinnesota Bureau of Criminal ApprehensionState of MinnesotaMinnesota Secretary of StateMinnesota Department of CommerceMinnesota Attorney General’s OfficeMinnesota Legal AidMinnesota Department of Labor and IndustryMinnesota DOL – Worker’s CompensationGovernment Printing Office (GPO)